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Family Address Book 1.2

By Berrie Kremers

Family Address Book is an organizer for all your contacts. It is meant to be easy to use, yet offering powerful functionality. You can enter, maintain and lookup all your data easily, and the address book integrates with standard Internet applications like your browser and e-mail program.
Family Address Book is appearance-savvy and uses the latest technologies offered by the MacOS.




Family Address Book works on individual files (address books), and can open multiple address books at the same time. You can recognize Family Address Book file by their icon: .
To open an address book, select Open from the File menu. To create a new address book, select New from the File menu. When started, Family Address Book will come up with a new empty address book.

Main window

When using Family Address Book, you will get a separate window for every opened file. The following image shows such a window, with the main elements in the interface.

Family Address Book document window

Contact list

On the lefthand side of a Family Address Book document window you will find the list of contacts, plus buttons to add a new contact, remove a contact, or limit the list of contacts to match a certain category, selection or beginletter of the lastname. These elements are available throughout the different views.


Family Address Book uses 6 different views to group all data logically together: Address, Phone, Internet, Birthdays, Info and Overview. The overview is a read-only view that consolidates all data for a contact. You can switch to a specific view by clicking on the matching tab, or via the Contacts menu. When the focus is on the contact list, you can alternatively use the cursor-left and right keys on your keyboard to move through the different views.
The default view to come up with upon startup can be specified from the Preferences dialog under the Edit menu:

Preferences Dialog

In this dialog you can also specify one of three font sizes to use: small, medium or large.


You can group the contacts in a document into different categories. A new empty address book comes with two default categories: Personal and Business. You can modify these categories at will using the Setup categories dialog under the Edit menu:

Category Setup Dialog

Here you can add, modify and remove categories using the 3 buttons at the top of the dialog. It's best to do this before you start adding contacts to your address document.
Using the category pulldown you can limit the visible contacts in the contact list to a certain category.

Adding contacts

You can add a new contact from the Contacts menu, or by clicking on the Add button on the main window. This will add a new, empty contact where you can enter the data. Note that you shouldn't enter data if no item is selected in the contact list, the entered data is not stored.
Note: The contact name is split in 3 separate entry fields, for first name, middle name and last name. This is to ensure that Family Address Book can properly sort all your contacts by lastname, and still show and print data in a nice manner.

Modifying data

To modify data, select the contact from the list and go the appropriate view to modify whatever data you want. When you change the name data of a contact, you will see the changes immediately being reflected in the contact list as you type.
In the Birthdays view, you can enter any number of persons with their date of birth. Family Address Book will understand most date formats, and transform this to the standard date format that you have setup on your computer. Note that you can't add birthdays if no item is selected in the contact list, the entered data will not be stored.

Deleting contacts

To delete a contact, select if from the list and delete if from the Contacts menu, or by clicking on the Remove button. You will be asked for a confirmation before the contact is really removed.

Browsing the contacts

You can select a contact by clicking on it in the list, or by using the Next, Previous, First and Last entries from the Contacts menu. When the contact list has focus (a black border is drawn around it) you can also move through the list using the cursor-up and down, PageUp, PageDown, Home and End keys on your keyboard.
To go to a specific entry directly, you can type the (first characters of the) lastname while the contact list has focus, which will select the matching entry.

Sorting the contacts

You can sort the contacts by selection the Sort entry from the Contacts menu. This will sort the contacts on lastname, then firstname, then city.

Selecting data

To limit the visible contacts in the list based on the first letter of the last name, select a letter from the Show popup from the main window. For more complex selections, choose Selection from the Show popup or from the Contacts menu. This will show a dialog in which you can enter the selection criteria. You can enter up to 5 selection criteria, per selection criteria you can specify the field to check and what expression to use.
If you have made a selection on the data, and then choose Save, still all contacts will be saved (so not only the selected ones).

Showing everything

To show all contacts, select Show All from the Show popup on the main window or from the Contacts menu. This will show all contacts for the selected category, or all contacts in the file if the category selection is also set to All.

Searching data

To find an entry, select Find from the Edit menu. You can enter the text to look for, and have the option to look in the name (first- and lastname) only, or search through all fields. The Find command will always start from the beginning of the list, use Find Next to search for the next item.


A number of actions in Family Address Book can be undone: deleting a contact, adding and/or modifying a contact, and sorting the contacts. When a modification on a record is undone, all modifications done on that record, since the last modification on a different record, will be undone. Undoing the modifications on a record is only possible if that record is selected in the list.


The application offers a number of print options, which are available from the standard print dialog, of which an example is shown here (it will look different depending on the printer you're using):

Sample Print Dialog

You can specify whether you only want the selected contacts (see selecting data) to be printed, or all contacts. By clicking on the Extra Options button in the Print dialog you get access to addtional Family Address Book specific print settings:

Extra Print Settings Dialog

You can specify the font, style and size, the type of data to be printed (Address data, Phone data, Address and Phone data or all data) and the layout on the page.
There are two basic layouts: a single contact per page or multiple contacts per page. If you select a single contact per page, you can choose where on the page it should be printed. This option is usefull for printing envelopes for example. If you select multiple contacts per page, you can specify how many rows and columns should be printed.

Importing data

You can import data from any tab separated text file, as can be generated from most other programs. To import data into a document, select Import from the File menu. You can select the file, next you will be presented a dialog that shows the items in the first line of the imported file. You can link these items to the items that Family Address Book knows by dragging each item to the second list. There is a checkbox that lets you specify if the first line should be imported or not, in case the first line contains descriptions of each field in the import file. When you specified all the import links, you can get the actual data into your address book by clicking the Import button.

Exporting data

You can export data to a tab separated text file which can in turn be imported by other applications. To export data, select Export from the File menu. You can the specify the file to export to.

Drag and Drop

Family Address Book supports drag and drop. You can copy items from one address book to another on by dragging it from one list to another. You can also move items within a single address book by dragging it and dropping it at the right location in the same list. You can delete contacts by dragging them to the Trashcan.
It is also possible to drag addresses into open documents of other applications as text, by holding the ctrl-key when dragging. You can specify the format to use from the Preferences dialog under the Edit menu.
Individual text boxes support drag and drop as well, both within Family Address Book, as well as to other applications that support it.

Internet integration

You can automatically compose a mail to a person, or open a web page by clicking on the buttons next to the text fields in the Internet view, or by clicking on the underlined addresses in the Overview view. This feature will only function if you have installed and configured Internet Config.

Phone integration

When you have a GeoPort modem with voice capabilities, you can use these capabilities from within Family Address Book. You can automatically dial a phone number from the phone tab by clicking on the telephone button next to an entry, or any number by selecting Dial from the Phone menu. This will ask you to enter a number and then dial it. From the Phone menu you can disconnect via the Hangup entry, or configure the telephone tool.
When Family Address Book starts up it tries to detect the phone capabilities of your computer. If it doesn't find any, all phone related buttons and menu entries will be disabled.


Family Address Book is distributed as shareware. This means that you can freely try it for 30 days, if you continue to use it after that period you should pay the shareware fee. The unregistered version if fully functional, but has a limitation of maximum 30 contacts per address book. The fee for Family Address Book is $15, and can be paid using the Register application that comes installed with this software. After your payment is received, you will receive a key with which you can register Family Address Book and remove the 30-contact limitation. Once you have registered you can freely get and use all future updates to Family Address Book.

Site licenses are available, at $200 for a site license, and $500 for a world license.

How to buy a license

You can pay the shareware fee for Family Address Book through the Kagi Shareware system in two ways: either via the included Register Family Address Book program, or online via a secure webpage.

Online payments can be done at where you can fill out a form with all the relevant data. The unregistered version of Family Address Book includes an entry under the Help menu (Buy Family Address Book online...) which will take you directly to the payment page (this requires that Internet Config is installed, which is standard in MacOS 8.1 and higher).

To pay using the Register Family Address Book program, run it and fill out all data requested data. The unregistered version of Family Address Book includes an entry under the Help menu (Buy Family Address Book...) which will automatically run the Register Family Address Book program, alternatively you can find it in the folder where Family Address Book was installed. If paying with Credit Card or First Virtual, email or fax the data to Kagi Shareware. Their email address is and their fax number is +1 510 652-6589. You can either Copy the data from Register Family Address Book and paste into the body of an email message or you can Save the data to a file and you can attach that file to an email message. There is no need to compress the data file, it’s already pretty small. If you have a fax modem, just Print the data to the Kagi fax number.

Payments sent via email are processed within 3 to 4 days. You will receive an email acknowledgement when it is processed, including the registration code. Payments sent via fax take up to 10 days and if you provide a correct internet email address you will receive an email acknowledgement.

If you are paying with Cash or USD Check you should print the data using the Register QuickStart application and send it to the address shown on the form, which is:

You can pay with a wide variety of cash from different countries but at present if you pay via check, it must be a check drawn in US Dollars. Kagi Shareware cannot accept checks in other currencies, the conversion rate for non-USD checks is around USD 15 per check and that is just not practical.

Payments send via postal mail take time to reach Kagi Shareware and then up to 10 days for processing. Again, if you include a correct email address, you will hear from Kagi Shareware when the form is processed.

Registering your copy of Family Address Book

After your payment is received by Kagi, you will get a registration code to register your version of Family Address Book. You register via the Register Family Address Book... entry under the Help menu. You are presented with a dialog where you have to enter the name and code information. Make sure you enter the data exactly as it was returned in the mail you received from Kagi, including the use of upper and lowercase. If you have problems registering, you can contact me at

More info

You can contact me if you have any question or suggestions regarding Family Address Book. I can be reached through e-mail at For the latest version of this application, plus any other software I have written please visit

Release Notes

See the separate Family Address Book Release Notes file.


Family Address Book is Shareware. You may use the unregistered version for trial purpose for 30 days, if you continue to use it after that period you should pay the shareware fee.
Family Address Book may not be included in any for-profit software compilation or bundled with any other for-profit package, except with prior written consent from the author, Berrie Kremers. Family Address Book may be distributed freely on on-line services and by users groups, except where noted above, provided it is distributed unmodified and including all original files.
You expressly acknowledge and agree that use of
Family Address Book is at your exclusive risk. Family Address Book, any related files and documentation are provided "AS IS" and without any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.